Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Honorable Mention!

So I woke up this morning to go to work and the first thing that came to mind was my momma. She is having a hard time, as any mother would, with my leaving and having no real idea if and when I am coming back. Letting go can be hard to do and she is doing the best she can. WE treasure our horseback rides more than ever these days.
Then I realized that due to temporarily losing my camara, I had no pictures in my March file of a very important day, and as a result I accidentaly left out the first significant event of the month of March in my last blog... her birthday!! We had a wonderful party and a very special day out on her day just the two if us. I treasure that time together and how much you enjoyed it Momma!
So here is a photo of us on our road trip back from Colorado in October (never got that blog up either!) This was at a great old piano bar in that tiny town way up in the Rockies. Uray?? We took the steam train up there from Durango and it was awesome! I love you Momma! Thank you for all you are and all the love and good times. You ROCK mom-sita and I can't wait to see you in Florida and on up to South Carolina in June! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Magical month of March - a pictoral update

AKA... "Birthday Boys, Friends, Z, Fields of Gold and a new RV!"

My cross country journey is just around the corner. I look forward to sharing blogs on the road that carry the flavor of previous heart and soul explorations: writings akin to those shared by North and I during his cancer journey that brought people to this site; not only for information, but inspiration and the opportunity to possibly look at life or themsleves in a new or different way. My intention and prayer is to carry that on and continue to touch people in meaningful ways (hopefully!) by openly sharing myself and my "odyssey" across the country and back home to myself.
In the meanime, life has been full to maximum capacity! Educating myself about RV's and finally finding one to buy has been a long process. (Endless thanks Pop and Linda!) Preparing for this trip continues to dominate my time, mixed in with work and creating as much quality time as I can with loved ones.
Here are some great photos to share of all the wonderful happennings these past several weeks.

My precious nephews celebrated another turn around the sun this month and turned... Jackson started playing baseball and is the biggest kid in his class. He is also quite gregarious and has lots of friends. I also love it when he calls me "Duff!" (My old family nick-name.)
Skyler (Sky Guy) is a bright and witty 9 years old and shares my passion for critters. Both boys are really looking forward to thier individual overnights in the RV with me next week! (And so am I!)
Wonderful Liegh and I shared another magnificent walk and heart talk around Dana Point Harbor and as we hugged goodbye it really made me realize just how hard this departure might prove to be! All of us GB's (Goddess Babes) are getting together this Friday for a Bon Voyage Blessing Get Together. Can hardly wait.
Miss Sheila and I drove and giggled through the canyons (Modjeska - where I used to live, and Silverado) on a truly spectacular day provided by Mother Nature. She hosts the upcoming gathering and I am SO blessed and grateful for our time together and our wonderful bond.

Zach and I had a special dinner at the incredible "White Horses" restaurant in San Clemente where North and I had dinner the night he proposed and also our first (and only) Valentine's Dinner as a married couple. He and I were given a gift card by Grace Avalon that we never got a chance to use. It felt vey appropriate and perfect to go there and enjoy that with my son-in-law. I love you Zzzzzz and I'll cherish that memory and time together. It felt really good to share memories of your Dad and to not actually cry, but laugh! Thank God, thank North and thank you. And you looked SO handsome in your Dad's shirt and tie! If you live in So. Cal. then you must have noticed all the fabulous color of the woldflowers! It is so beautiful! North and I both loved music by "Sting" and all day today the song "Fields of Gold" played in my head as I drove past golden hillsides and fields. And I thought of, missed, thanked and loved my sweetheart as I drove MY NEW RV home from Camarillo with Dad and Linda! Whoo Hoo! Check it out below!
Oh my it's all mine!

And it's HUGE and clean and like new! I am SO excited! (The cute duck couple was a random bonus when I got back to the Buckler's!)

Love to all and more to come,
