Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Honorable Mention!

So I woke up this morning to go to work and the first thing that came to mind was my momma. She is having a hard time, as any mother would, with my leaving and having no real idea if and when I am coming back. Letting go can be hard to do and she is doing the best she can. WE treasure our horseback rides more than ever these days.
Then I realized that due to temporarily losing my camara, I had no pictures in my March file of a very important day, and as a result I accidentaly left out the first significant event of the month of March in my last blog... her birthday!! We had a wonderful party and a very special day out on her day just the two if us. I treasure that time together and how much you enjoyed it Momma!
So here is a photo of us on our road trip back from Colorado in October (never got that blog up either!) This was at a great old piano bar in that tiny town way up in the Rockies. Uray?? We took the steam train up there from Durango and it was awesome! I love you Momma! Thank you for all you are and all the love and good times. You ROCK mom-sita and I can't wait to see you in Florida and on up to South Carolina in June! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


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