Sunday, August 12, 2007

North's Setting Sun - A shining star grows brighter

The Sun has set on one chapter of our lives; the final chapter of North's physical existence has been written. My beloved has released his body and is now free and wild. No more cancer, no more pain. His evolution now continues on a whole new level and the explorer that he has set out upon an entirely new exciting adventure.

He let go on Saturday, August 11th at 2:34 pm. He was at home as he wanted it, he was peaceful and comfortable and surrounded by me, Zach, Mary Mom and my mom and sis's (Kris and April). I know in my heart he felt he did all he could do and he did. He did everything right and he did it so well, and it was SO MUCH! I also know he did all he needed to do as well, all he was meant to do. He did his life and his awakening and even his death so beautifully and poetically, as only he could; with strength, tenacity, courage, gratitude, style, grace and SO MUCH LOVE. This photo is of he and I with Barbara Marx Hubbard, the teacher of conscious evolution, with the map North and his biz partner Janet and I helped Barbara create. Check out the title!! (Pics get larger when you click on them.) Thank you Barbara for your call and your words to North yesterday. I know he heard you and was comforted and inspired. And also thanks to Marianne for your call and conversation with him in the hospital before he came home. The two of you meant so very much to him, and my heart is full with your love.)
His transition was quiet and gentle and sweet. I feel he made it as easy on all of us as possible. Such was and is his way, always... loving and caring for others so deeply that all who met and knew him could feel it. What a blessings, what a man, what a miracle. God Bless you sweetheart.

And I miss him so much my intake of breath feels as difficult as his were in his last several days. Then I feel his love in me and the breath comes. How can I survive? How can I not? There are two things he gave me, things immeasurable and priceless. Marianne helped me see one it this morning on the phone. The greatest gift my husband gave to me is... me; an awareness and connection to the strength I possess; strength and soul power to move through ANYTHING with love and courage. No thing can ever take that away from me. And he gave me, along with Susan, a part of his son, Zach; who turned out to be my greatest partner and companion on this part of the journey. I find unspeakable comfort in knowing, through your words of love and promise Zach, that we will always be together, you and I. We will always have each other and my heart is full with gratitude and excitement for what is to come.

Sweet North. I love you. I feel you. I miss you. I know you are here. I know you're body is gone. I can hardly believe it. I does not feel real... and yet... your side of the bed is empty. All the medical equipment is gone. Our home quietly buzzes with close family and friends. And now it is a new day. And in this moment Baba bird (the dove) fly's to and perches on the sign you gave me for my birthday that says "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?" (Our wedding song), and as he begins to coo and sing his song we enjoyed together so much, I feel you deeper inside than ever.

And since it is our destiny to continue writing together, I trust the paragraph my heart led me to on your journal is just the thing you want to say to everyone who reads this and loves you.

So here are North's words as he describes the night of the fund-raiser with Marianne Williamson. Feel his light and love and laughter as you read it. I do.

Marianne started the evening with a prayer and then saying, “This is a heart breaking night and this is a Beautiful night, it does not get any better than this or worse than this, this is Life!” Then over the next 45 minutes she took my heart and soul and placed me before my friends to be bathed in the purity of Love, authentic expressions of encouragement and deep healing that can only come from a connection to the ONE. She took the spirit of El Duende and had us all dancing with the incomprehensible merger of Light and Shadow. She reminded me that I once said to her, “I’ll die if I don’t get real.” To that she added, “One of the ways to get real is to face death..” Then she boldly reminded us, “With our mortal minds and none of us can know what time North’s train depart and that concern is really irrelevant as eventually everyone takes a train out of here.” I realized in that moment, its really a question of what do I do with the time that I have been given. Do I worry about not doing enough or do I simply Love the life I have been given? With the Love in the room, the answer was clear, drop the old habits and greet a new day.

The new day is now and Zach and I carry the light of this man in our hearts, as so many others do as well. Shine on in us love, we are honored. We are blessed. Thank you my beloved, my twin soul, my heart light, my North Star. I will see you on a future train.



At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi for what its worth i am Max, Zachs little brother. Norman was like a father to me. To my friends he was my Step Dad. When Norman passed away it was so devastating that i cried threw the whole rehearsal dinner of the wedding we went to last weekend. Norman was there for all my birthdays and christmas's since i was a little baby. He would show up with his funny card and 25 dollars would always be inside. This is the sadest thing that has ever happened to me and probably the longest i have ever cried.

I love you Norman and you will always be in my heart

At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

North gave us quite a gift of sharing the process of his illness with us right up to the end.
I don't know that I would have had the same courage and determination that he showed.

We release North with our love and fond memories.

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the Goddess Babes...

we sit out on the porch, a group of friends,

the midnight train goes by

last night we jammed together


camp songs




women singing together

under a blue moon.

Dearest Goddess Babes,

Thank you for being there for Stef.

with love, petra

At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny,

Thank you, and the many others, for your tireless service to Steph and North and to all of us who have reached out to surround them in love on their journey.

Dear Steph,

“Words are symbols of symbols”, A Course in Miracles tells us. And so, words fail to express the true nature of our heart’s love, our gratitude to you both and our compassion for your/our loss. North always made the point that there is no need to “wordsmith”.

So much has been gained. So many beautiful thoughts have been spoken. So much love and care has been expressed by us all. Those thoughts and love have been mirrored and voluminously magnified back to us by the both of you. Soul connections have been made between those of us who have been brought together with you both on this journey. Hearts have been healed through selfless compassion. We have shared witness and grown along with you as you have come to know a self within that is stronger, mightier, more courageous and wiser than even you knew was there. I am grateful. I am grateful to you. I am grateful to North.

I am so glad that less than ten days ago I had the wonderful opportunity to share lunch with North. He gave to me. His words now seem a legacy to me.

As I reached down to greet him with a hug and a kiss, the chords to the machine against the wall and his IV became tangled in our efforts to reach each other. Feeling I was being compassionate, I remarked, “Oh, those darn things.” His immediate response was, “Oh, no, it’s fine Grace”, and he expressed his gratefulness and how they helped him be more at ease. During lunch, we talked about his life-changing exchange with Katie Byron. North had learned to love the darkness. He was truly grateful for it all.

I left, remembering that I had come to bring gifts and help and love. But what I received from North, was far, far, more than I gave. His words still echo in my ears. “I am grateful for what is”.

I am so grateful that you were with us North.

With a truly loving heart, I send you love dear Steph,


At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Center of all centers, core of cores,
almond self-enclosed, and growing sweet--
all this universe, to the furthest stars
all beyond them, is your flesh, your fruit.

Now you feel how nothing clings to you;
your vast shell reaches into endless space,
and there the rich, thick fluids rise and flow.
Illuminated in your infinite peace,

a billion stars go spinning through the night,
blazing high above your head.
But in you is the presence that
will be, when all the stars are dead.

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny,

I first heard this news from Rita Hildebrand last night at our Saturday Devotional Singing. We sang and prayed for North, Stef and all of you and there was definitely a vey sweet energy to our evening with him in our hearts. There were times when I definitely felt his presence, as I know so many of you who are much closer to him are probably experiencing now.

Please let Stef know she is in our thoughts and prayers, and also let her know that even though we have only known her and North briefly, we have been deeply touched by them and their experience. I know she is needing privacy right now, but if if there eventually comes a time when she would like some musical inspiration or other support that we could provide, we would be happy to do so.

Blessings to Stef, North and all of their family and friends,

Artemisia & Roger Hunt

At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Jenny, my love and prayers are with all of you. Last night at Artemisia and Roger's singing devotional we honored North's passing and send our love and strength to Stef and all of you.

Much love

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny,
I am so sorry...please send my love and sympathy to Stef. Let her know we are praying for her and North and his family. Tomorrow morning my daughter, Jackie and I will go out to the beach here in Maui and break our sand dollar in honor of North, we will set our "doves" free in the waters of Hawaii, Heaven on earth.
If you are not aware of it, may I share the legend of the sand dollar:
If you examine closely you'll see, four nail holes and a fifth one made by a Roman's spear. On one side the Easter Lily, it's center the star, that appeared unto the shepherds and led them from afar.
The Christmas Poinsettia etched on the other side, reminds us of His Birthday, our Christmastide. When you break the center open you will release, the five doves awaiting to spread Good Will and Peace. This beautiful symbol Christ left for you and me to help us remember His promise of life eternally.
May North have eternal life and his loved ones eternal peace in knowing he is at rest now in heaven. This is our prayer. I want Stef to know that I thank her and North for sharing their story, it has and will continue to touch so many, from survivors to future patients, their families and physicians. North was truly blessed having Stef in his life, may she find some comfort in knowing she was chosen to get him through his ordeal and find his way to the other side. May we all be so lucky. Stef you are truly an Angel.

In His name,
Danna George and family

At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny:

I know and we all know that North is in the most wonderful place he could be and that he has been welcomed with such love into the next plane. It has occurred to me lately that we are actually living the eternal life now and so called death is simply the step into the next phase of "life". Thanks for sending out the message as you have been the message giver for some time now. That is a role you have been able to play and share with all of us.

Love and blessings: Marge

At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please let Stef know that my heart goes out to her? I am sending loving light and loving comfort her way. Bless her heart.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Jenny,

I received your email right when I got home. I sat and cried and lit some candles and lifted everyone up in prayer. I'm so sad for Stef, Zach and all the people who love North but I'm so elated that he's finally at peace and at home with God and all the Angels. Thanks for being such a light and strength to us all during this most difficult time. You've kept us all informed every step of the way and it's with complete gratitude that we all say Thank you beautiful Jenny! I'm keeping all the Goddess Babes in my heart, thoughts and prayers too, for we all loved North and it's so hard on those of us that are left behind. Blessings and Love to you always... Colette

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is the most difficult time, the final letting go of the physical attachment of the body, you are all being held in the deepest prayers and gratitude for the opportunity of
freedom on so many levels. North and Stef have accomplished light years of work in a nono second of 13 + months. The
rewards globally are astounding. The angels are singing and holding court. Tara is in the forefront. The unfoldment will
reveal itself in time. The healing must take place and will have it's own flow. Blessings to all." A message from the Oneness...

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathy to all who are involved.
Love and peace,

At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Jenny. You are an Angel for keeping us posted.
God Bless you for all you are doing. We are all praying continuously for all of you .

With Deep Love and Sympathy..... Nikola

At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

North and Stef and their families and close friends are in my prayers continuously. It is a most difficult time.

Ann Miller

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Jenny:

Thanks for the note and update. I am saddened yet also glad that he can rest after a long admirable fight. Please send my blessings to Stef and to North's family. I will be thinking of all of you as I make my journey up to LA today. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.

With gratitude,


At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Jenny ,
I am so deeply sorry for all of our loss. North was a pillar of courage even requesting another round of chemo on his last day going home. My prayers are with all of you especially Stef and their family. Thank you for taking such good care of them. Stef is an angel.
I will embrace each of them tenderly in my heart. Sending a million angels.
All of my Love, god Bless, Glenda

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

North has certainly fulfilled his mission of bringing more love and goodness into the planet and will continue to do so. With love


At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenny, Bless you for keeping the channels of communication, awareness and prayer open. I know the family is held in loving hands and my heartfelt prayers are with each one. I will keep sending light and divine blessings. Thank you for all you do. Virginia

At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending so much love and prayers.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a true spirit of love & light. I am so glad and grateful that Stef & North had all you angels to comfort them. Stephanie is such an amazing soul. God bless all.Love & hugs, Barbara

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny,

Claudia and I are so sorry...this must be so hard on Stef. Please let her know that we are praying for peace to be upon her. We know that North is with our Lord Jesus. Please let us know when the service will be.

We never know what the Lord has in store for us...we just need to be truly thankful for each day.


Dave and Claudia

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our hearts are with you and Zach at this time. Dennis and I spent Sunday remembering the good times about Norman. We will never forget the spoon concert given by Norman and his brother at a family gathering so many years ago or the dark glasses/spy picture of Norman and Dave Martin at our wedding.

Stef, what a blessing for Norman to have found you and that you brought each other joy. He was surrouded by family and friends. We will always remember him.

With love,
Karen, Dennis, Kyle & Joel DiBiase

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Karen Dietz said...

Dear Stef and Family,

I just sat and cried when I read about North's passing. He was such an inspiration, just as Stef has been and will continue to be. I loved working with North and remember him with such joy. I will always miss him and am so thankful he is out of pain. The storytelling world is a little dimmer now without his bright light.
Karen Dietz

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart is heavy with the loss of your beloved, my friend. I need to borrow words from others to deeply express my feelings.
"In so far as love is union, it knows no extremes of distance."
Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651-75)
"Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge." Stephen Levine. Lastly,
"Love overflows all:
From the glorious ocean's depths
to beyond the farthest star,
Bounteous in loving all creations;
For to the King most High
Love has given her kiss of peace"
Hildegard Von Bingen (1098-1179)
You are in my heart, mind and prayers.
Kathy Saylor

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Stef: It was an amazing privilege to call at just the time when you were with our darling North.

I know his transistion has set a new path for all of us.

I love you both very much.

With love always, Barbara

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Even though you are far from home
my spirit tells me you are near.
For we shared an everlasting love,
a relationship, so dear.

My dreams of you seem so real
still together as husband and wife.
I truly know, heaven's your new home
but I feel empty without you in my life.

As my heart aches from missing you
I'll continue to wipe tears from my eyes.
Still another day longing to hold you
as I wished there were no good byes.

Tonight I'll glance upon the stars
looking for your spirit to shine brightly.
Then I'll blow kisses in the wind
and one day delivery them directly.

Until our paths connect again
I'll be thinking of you endlessly.
Praying to God to heal my heart
as I trust in Him completely.

By Rachel M. Sparks
copyright Rachel M. Sparks

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the McKinnon family and espically Stef. Words are difficult at times like these but knowing so many people care, can sometimes ease the pain. Stef, you are strong and can move through anything with love and courage.
Sending Peace, Love and Blessings.

At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Even though we have been next door neighbors for a few years, we really haven't had the opportunity to get to know each other.

However, Layne and I both wanted to let you know that our love and thoughts are with you. If there is anything we can do for you, please don't hesitate to let us know. We're here for you.

Also, wanted to let you know, that I work at Mission Hospital which has a wonderful grievance program. There is a new one starting up on September 18th and ends on November 20th at no cost. It's run by one of the most spiritual and loving chaplains I have ever known.....everyone adores him. Please let me know if you're interested and I'll get more info to you.

Take care of yourself and let us know if there is anything we can do.

Layne & Sandy

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan & I were so sad to hear about Norman. Bruce has kept us informed of his journey. Norman was a very warm, thoughtful, gentle being. We thought highly of him. He is at peace and continues his journey in a better place. God bless you all.

Kathy Cochran


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