Friday, July 27, 2007

New Difficult News - I'll let my friends tell it for me/us

I just sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of what to say in the title line of this blog. I still don't like it but I need to go to bed.
I decided to let the e-mails Jenny has written tell the latest news. I can't or don't want to write and explain it all and I feel that all people who are interested and care, near or far, ought to know. Plus, she did a lovely job of sharing the info and asking for support. Thank you Jenny (and Carole for the first draft). So here goes... and thanks for your care, love, prayers and for reading, as always. Stef

On 7/25/07 9:58 PM, "Jenny LeBel" wrote:

Hi Angels,

I wanted to let you know the latest on North. He had an MRI yesterday and the results showed that the cancer is in his brain. Jeannine was with Stef tonight right after she found out and we showed up soon after. Not what you want to hear ever, but today of all days… on Stef's 40th birthday. We didn't talk of details tonight.

Milly wanted to create a special birthday gift for Stef, since she and North couldn't go out and she made the most incredible stuffed salmon that looked like a beautiful piece of art. We all got a taste and it was fabulous...then we set the table, poured the champagne, lit the candles, took a few pictures, gave them hugs, told them we loved them and left so they could spend this time together.

It was sad but beautiful to watch their love in action. Please continue your prayers and surround them and all of us in a comforting blanket of peace and strength.

I love you angels and am so grateful that we are all here to support one another through these sad and challenging times. We release the pain of it all and just give it to God.


From: Jenny LeBel []

Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 9:22 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: North Update - Thurs. July 26th

Dear beloved friends of North & Stef,

Stef asked me to send out a prayer request for Love, Peace & Miracles. North got the results of his MRI back yesterday and the cancer has metastasized in 7 places in his brain. Not news we wanted to hear ever, especially on Stef's birthday. He begins radiation treatment on his brain and his hip tomorrow - everyday for 3 weeks. If anyone can offer transportation for this treatment or is available to help out with visits while Stef works, this would be so appreciated. You can call or email me for now and I will let Stef know. She thanks everyone for their calls and emails and apologizes that she cannot call everyone back right now. She has been in and out of dr.'s, pharmacy's, etc. all day long. I will send out updates as I receive them.

Please keep all of their family and we, their friends uplifted in prayer, angelic light and love. Zach, Susan, Steve, North's family and Stef's family are having a very difficult time with all of this as you can imagine. But we are all in this together and know that "There is no order of difficulty in miracles." Stef and North are grateful for each and every one of you and thank you for your powerful and heartfelt prayers.

Stef's 40th Birthday Party is still on for Saturday, July 28th from 3-8 pm - Open House... We need some fun and laughter and want to honor Stef on her special day. She is a true Goddess and we Goddess Babes are here for you Stef! YOU GO GIRL! I know everyone will be considerate of how North is feeling and honor his space if need be.

With love and peaceful blessings,


(949) 338-3075


At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Jenny for your email. We Goddess Babes are all holding North and Stef in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. We know that we are more powerful in numbers and as we realize this power of of love and we send it to North and Stef right here and now. We allow Spirit to lead the way and we bless the journey, knowing that all things hold the vibration of pure love and peace. We are so touched by the deep profound love between North and Stef, it’s had such a beautiful ripple effect in all our lives. With all the love that North and Stef have given, we now send it back to them one trillion times over! We know that peace walks with them and the strength of God and all the Angels hold them right where they stand. We breath hope and light into every cell and we hand it to Spirit knowing that all is in perfect right order. We give thanks knowing that love is flowing and for the connection we all have to this beautiful earth. We send heaps of blessings to you North and Stef, may you feel only love and peace. We all hold your hearts within our hearts... Love & Light, Colette

At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I inhale, i exhale with a heavy-heart, only to inhale again...we all need to remember to breathe!! I know that God is eternal and that the Spirit Self never dies, i know that my little sister is grieving and i cant do or say anything to heal her heart, but i also know that i am part of an amazing family with so much love to pour over Stef and North ... Okay, now i guess im begging too.... God give them some pain-free time together, give them peace, give them a miracle, can You give them a fucking break!!! please?

At 6:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Stef - it was with a heavy heart that I read the latest news about North. Difficult is an understatement. I wish I could put a hand on your shoulder or give you a hug. What I want to do is reiterate what I wrote you back in late spring: you are strong enough to see North through. Please take care of yourself and rely on your
(local) angels as much as possible, so that you maintain your stamina and can concentrate on North. I am sending a separate email to the two of you, but right now, I want to reach out across the miles to you. I don't have to have actually met you to know that you are a remarkable woman. I send my prayers to you, as well as North. Love, Melinda

At 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stef,
I'm here in Hawaii, Waikiki to be exact. What a weird place!!! Thank you so much for getting back to me. I am so sorry to hear about what North and of course you, are going through. We'd love to come visit and we have no expectations of anything. We just love BEING with North and you. Please give him my love. I will try to call whilst I'm here on business. My heart goes out to you Stef. Did you ever in your wildest dreams imagine that you signed up for this? God has put the two of you together for a reason. And I'm sure you get glimpses of that. I LOVE YOU! Shivam.


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