Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Help Pouring in (and how to make donations)

Help and love are pouring in. How incredible this all is... North is spending long hours these past few days at the hospital receiving hydration along with radiation to both his brain and hip/lower back area. Here are 2 e-mails about making donations and a note of clarity regarding that. I am not able to work at this point so I sure do appreciate Dr. Taub's request for help financially as well as continued prayers. We love you all so very much.


I would be more than happy to make a cash donation. Is there a "fund " where someone is in charge to whom I make the check out to or just to them specifically?


Hi All,

Thanks Gina for the question... at this point we haven't set up a trust or charity fund so please make your sweet tithe to :

Stephanie Swink

257 Avenida Madrid- Unit A

San Clemente, Ca 92672
Also, folks pls. call me for now if you want to help with the house/dog/errands...

sisKris 858-752-2846

Hi everyone,

To clarify Sis Kris’ response to Gina about where and how to donate, we do have a McKinnon Healing Fund set up at Union Bank of California. Folks have sent in donations to the bank directly and have also sent them to our home made out to the McKinnon Healing Fund OR to me (Stef Swink). Info on both ways to do that are on top of the blog site. Plus, there is a button to click on our website that cousin Dan set up ages ago. It takes credit card donations through PayPal.

Strange but wonderful to read Dr. Taub’s e-mail requesting financial support for us the very day after I realized I could not go to work today, or tomorrow and perhaps not for awhile. Bizarre and surreal to realize this and surrender all my worldly concerns for the situation at hand. Somewhat calming to know there are loved one’s “tuned in” and that, as always thus far, miracles continue to unfold and we are ok.

God Bless you all, and us too.

In deep gratitude,



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