Friday, March 31, 2006

Message from Dr. Ed Taub

Dear North,

Jerome Groopman, M.D., a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, recently shared an incident in The New England Journal of Medicine about his patient Anna, who was on the oncology ward. Anna asked him to pray to God with her. The good doctor considered the fact that none of his training in medical school or medical practice had taught him how to reply to Anna. He began wondering whether doctors should engage religion and spirituality in the lives of their patients and in their own lives as clinicians. Mostly he wondered whether there is any place for God at the bedside of hospitalized patients.

Facing Anna, he searched for a response and reminded himself that when he wears the white coat of a physician, whatever he says or does should be for the benefit of the patient. He contemplated the fact that although the issue of prayer and healing had captured the public’s imagination, the published research was inconclusive. Unsure of what words were appropriate, he asked Anna, “What is the prayer that you want?” “Pray to God to give my doctors wisdom,” Anna replied. To that, the doctor silently echoed, “Amen.” So do I.

Plato defined Medicine as merely part of the speech of God. I agree. Which is why I believe our health is much too important to be left up to science, but also much too important to be unscientific about. It's apparent that your wisdom led you to create a wonderful combination of both worlds, and for that you have my admiration. St. Augustine wrote that miracles never contradict nature; they only contradict what we think we know about nature. After more than 4 decades in Medicine, I know God can do anything, including making miracles. But in all my years in Medicine, I've surely never encountered the degree of wisdom, courage and steadfastness that you've exhibited before and since your surgery.

You are indeed changing the world: The World Almanac Company will be publishing my just finished book, which is co-authored by a Nobel Laureate in Medicine; thanks to you, our book will be imbued with more of the sense and spirit of all of the above.

Finally, you shared some of your soul's deepest yearnings with me a few weeks ago, so by reading every day about your post-operative course, I know you are already healed way beyond what most human beings ever achieve.

With Warmest Regards,

Edward A. Taub, M.D.

P.S. In response to the urgent pleas for financial help from the Darkfish men, I feel honored to participate in your life via the simple, painless path of sending a check to the Union Bank account mentioned in Tom Breen's and Bob Harrison's recent notes.


At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful...thank you Dr. Taub, for sharing your wisdom and your heart.
:) Jenny

At 10:45 AM, Blogger North McKinnon said...

Dr. Taub,

Thanks so much for YOUR wisdom. I switched my entire diet and nutritional pre-op intake around based on your book Seven Steps to Self Healing. You are a true pioneer in medicine. I know that my early release from the hospital after the intense surgery and the rapid pass that my recovery seems to be following is in part due to the very principles you talk about.

I so look forward to your next book. I believe you have found the key to our next step in evolution. Barabara Marx Hubbard asked me to tell you hello.



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