Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tears and Laughter

Please click on Stef's Journal to the right to read my first entry. It is long over-due and long in content, but worth it I hope!
Love and blessings,


At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenny LeBel said...
Thanks for sharing Stef from such a deep place within. I love you both and I'm honored to be on this journey with you. God IS good and we are all blessed beyond measure because God is our absolute source and supply always. Both your hearts speak with such love and truth and your angels walk with you and uplift you every step of the way.
Love you much,

At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
in addition to the tears running down my ckeeks at work i feel so blessed to call you sister...more later wheni can pull myself back together, i love you LARGE !!
Sis Kris

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stef, I want to say again how proud I am of you for sharing your deepest pain and your harsh reality as you're experiencing it. You are such an inspiration and I truly honor you for opening up to the truth and facing "the shadow." That takes a lot of courage and strength and you are becoming one of God's powerful pillars. Wow...Don't ever feel like you have to "maintain" when you can't. Wherever you are, you are. Our angels are always trying to make us laugh and dance more! They were certainly partaking in your "party" Sat. night! And the healing continues...
What I ask you to remember is what we spoke of on Friday...Please ASK FOR HELP when you need to. Keep that list & phone #'s of soul sisters, dear friends and family with you wherever you are and call upon as many angels as you need to - We all love you and we will pray with you, send you energy healing or be right there with you - You are never alone.
Love and so many blessings my dear friend and awesome business partner!
:) Jenny

At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Daughter (Wonderful You),
Just an early morning green and earthy message to you. I finally slept on the couch last night!!!!!!! Took my walk and thought about you and North. You know what? You are both the most peaceful and loving warriors in the world, at least in mine. Just like the character in the book, you are on a path that sometimes seems to make NO SENSE at all. But with love and knowing that all is God and having faith you persevere and keep to the path with love and tears and hope. I salute you and I am so proud of you both, my cup runs over with the wonder of YOU. Namaste, my lovely daughter, your Mommy :-* :-* =D>

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Stef,

Thank you for sharing your soul with us all. Just looking at the "Tears and Laughter" photo triggers a flood of emotions, compassion, admiration and humility. I am inspired to bear bravely my lesser crosses. One picture is worth a thousand words.

Jan and I would like to come for a visit, to bring food, do "the work", offer support in any way. Our schedules are both pretty open. Let me know what you need.

With Love and support always,


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